Taxes +
Will Cost Tax Payers Millions
Local Communities Against this Plan
Rural Landscape for Future Generations
It's Not Too Late - It's Easy to STOP
Parker's plan does NOT follow the rules of the El Dorado County General Plan.
Parker wants the County to accept a plan that must change the rules in order to
build more homes than the county allows on that land.
The County only has to vote NO to STOP Parker's plan.
Let the County know that you want them to vote NO - it's that easy!

Advisory Citizens Committee for
Orderly Responsible Development

Cameron Estates
Community Services District

Marble Mountain
Homeowners CSD
Ugly Future of Gridlock and Water Shortage
Highway 50 will be a parking lot at Bass Lake Road — it was never designed to handle that many cars! And the county's water supply was not designed to handle this many houses. How can EID ask current residents to cut back water use while they push for 4,000+ new homes at the same time? Something doesn't add up...

Higher Taxes
Parker's plan makes the public pay for water and roads. Public tax money is used when a builder doesn't pay for the infrastructure to bring in water lines and expand our roads. Your taxes (and County debt) will increase if this plan gets approved. The County's own financial analysis says this plan is a bad deal for El Dorado County.