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Don't let Parker destroy our rural community.




Taxes +

Will Cost Tax Payers Millions


Local Communities Against this Plan


Rural Landscape for Future Generations

It's Not Too Late - It's Easy to STOP

Parker's plan does NOT follow the rules of the El Dorado County General Plan.

Parker wants the County to accept a plan that must change the rules in order to
build more homes than the county allows on that land.

The County only has to vote NO to STOP Parker's plan.

Let the County know that you want them to vote NO - it's that easy!



Advisory Citizens Committee for
Orderly Responsible Development


Cameron Estates

Community Services District



Marble Mountain
Homeowners CSD

Ugly Future of Gridlock and Water Shortage

Highway 50 will be a parking lot at Bass Lake Road — it was never designed to handle that many cars! And the county's water supply was not designed to handle this many houses. How can EID ask current residents to cut back water use while they push for 4,000+ new homes at the same time? Something doesn't add up...


Higher Taxes

Parker's plan makes the public pay for water and roads. Public tax money is used when a builder doesn't pay for the infrastructure to bring in water lines and expand our roads. Your taxes (and County debt) will increase if this plan gets approved. The County's own financial analysis says this plan is a bad deal for El Dorado County.

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Learn what you can do - it's so easy!


Parker's plan is bad for our area. It will cost taxpayers millions and change our rural county into a big-city suburb.

Stay Informed

Keep up to date with the latest news, events, and ways you can stop Parker's plan.



Be heard. Here's how to say NO to Parker's plan. 

Senior Book Club

Let Your Friends & Neighbors Know

This plan has not passed yet. It can be stopped. But nobody knows it's coming. Share, post, tell everyone.


Go To Meetings

It's the number of people and comments against this plan that have the biggest influence on how the Board of Supervisors and Planning Commissioners vote. Be counted!

Brain Storming on Paper

Download Opposition Talking Points

Make all the right points during your 3-minutes to speak. It will go on public record to STOP Parker. 


Put Out
Yard Signs

Raise awareness in your community by planting a yard sign on your street where it will be seen! Click below to learn where to pick up your FREE yard sign.

Pastor Giving a Sermon

Make Comments

Be heard! Public comment at the meetings (in-person or by Zoom) build the case to STOP Parker. Download talking points.

Legal Aid

Send Emails & Letters

Numbers matter. We need to send 1,000 letters and emails. Download free email and letter templates.

Donating Food to Charity

Handout Flyers

Make sure everyone knows about stopping Parker's plan. Download and share the flyer or get FREE printed copies here.

Legal Handshake

Visit Board Members

Parker's team meets often with your local officials to pass this plan. Be heard saying NO: Visit your Board Member!


Parker's plan destroys the rural beauty of El Dorado County. 

Image by Andreas Haubold

Rural Not Suburbia

Parker is trying to get the County to REZONE our area — to change it from rural land into big-city suburbia. That change only benefits Parker's pocketbook - not yours!


Horrible Traffic

This plan doesn't account for all the new traffic jams it will cause and it doesn't include Parker Development paying for the new Bass Lake Rd. interchange - your tax dollars will pay for it!

Cracked Mud

Water Shortage

There isn't enough water supply or treatment plants to handle this many new homes in our area. Your EID water rates will go way up so that Parker can overload our water lines.

Forest Fire

Fire Hazard

Parker's plan puts you at risk. It ignores hazardous conditions that increase wildfire risk. As insurance companies drop homes and charge millions more - our area pays the price!

School Bus

Beyond Capacity

There will not be enough room in the classrooms. Your tax dollars will have to build new schools — not Parker's dollars! While Parker gets rich, your kids get gypped.



Parker wants to plant big-city suburbia deep in our rural county. This plan destroys our biological resources, wildlife habitats, natural waterways and groundwater systems.


Noise Nonstop

Parker hopes you'll ignore the impact of noise pollution and how badly it affects the surrounding neighborhoods, the wildlife, and your everyday quality of life.


Parks Depleted

Cameron Park CSD is right up the road: With a huge increase in the number of people using their services but without any increase in tax revenue — it will quickly fall short for locals.


Bad Money

The County's own financial analysis says this is a BAD financial plan for El Dorado. The county is still paying off debts from past developer’s with Public Funds — your tax dollars!

The Nitty Gritty Details


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Rural Matters Alliance

Rural Matters Alliance is a mobilization of many community groups dedicated to preserving the rural character of El Dorado County. We need your help to STOP Parker's plan to ruin our area's landscape for their profit and our loss...

Preservation of Rural Heritage

Our shared community advocacy efforts focus on voicing concerns and advocating for policies that safeguard the interests of El Dorado County's rural residents. We are also dedicated to preserving the rich heritage, traditions and wildlife of our rural area, ensuring that future generations can continue to enjoy its unique character and charm.


PO Box 4641 Post St.
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762


© 2024-25 by Rural Matters Alliance.

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