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El Dorado County General Plan

Rural Matters Alliance

Updated: Mar 5

If someone wants to build something, they have to follow the guidelines in the County's General Plan. Changing the General Plan is BIG DEAL.

El Dorado County Strategic Plan website screenshot

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The county uses the General Plan to make rules (Ordinances and Policies) about land use in order to meet the needs and wants of all its residents. This means that if someone wants to build something, they have to follow the guidelines in the General Plan.

This also means that our county roads, water, schools, fire departments, etc., were put in place based on the land use designated in the General Plan. For example: Less infrastructure for roads and water were built in areas that are less populated, like rural, agricultural grazing zones. When the county votes to changes the General Plan (such as changing a rural zone into a low- and high-density housing zone), they must consider how that change will impact the traffic, water supply, sewage processing, fire hazard risk, capacity to provide services at local hospitals, health centers and schools, increased noise and light pollution, adverse environmental impacts on wildlife habitats, migratory corridors, the oak forests, and natural resources in the area.

It is a BIG DEAL to change the General Plan.

The current (adopted) plan was written in 2004 and revised in 2019 with ongoing amendments as recent as 2024. This plan works together with the County's Strategic Plan. In the Strategic Plan, your County Supervisors have promised to honor and protect our natural and historical resources, agriculture, and rural character for future generations.

The Board of Supervisors are going to vote "yes or no" to allow Parker to be build over 4,000 homes in the rural pasture lands and oak forest hills south of Highway 50, between El Dorado Hills and Cameron Park.

You can stop this!

How do we STOP Parker? - The same way we stopped Parker in 2013.

You voted for the new County Board of Supervisors: Their duty is to protect the rural character of our county and follow the General Plan guidelines that were put in place to limit sprawl and retain the rural character of the County.

  • The new Board of Supervisors and Planning Commissioners:

    • Have not all heard your opinion yet!

    • Were just voted in - so they are new and need to know they work for you!

    • Care about their public appearance - your opinion matters!

    • Want to hear from you - in person, in a letter/email, or at the meetings.

  • Your comments count! The more opposition (comments, letters, emails) the more the Supervisors understand how the public feels. Comments go on record and will be considered in how the Supervisor’s vote - and they count toward future lawsuits, if necessary.

  • You have the power to STOP this Inform your neighbors, attend the critical hearings, comment at the meetings or submit comment by letter or email. Visit your local Supervisor, sign a petition, let them know you will start a recall, start a referendum or an initiative, let them know there will be a lawsuit if the County's Strategic Plan is not upheld.

    • Flyer with specific talking points that oppose this plan!

  • Visit your local Supervisor Share your opinion and ask why they would help a developer destroy the rural character of the county for more suburban sprawl at tax-payers expense?

On July 19, 2004, the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors adopted a new General Plan for the County. The last amendment for the General Plan was May 21, 2024.

State planning law requires every county adopt and maintain a General Plan. El Dorado County's General Plan applies to the unincorporated areas of the County. It is our basic planning document. The General Plan is like a guidebook for deciding how land will be used to meet the needs and wants of all its residents.

The county uses the General Plan to make rules (Ordinances and Policies) about land use. This means that if someone wants to build something, it has to follow the guidelines in the general plan.

The full El Dorado County General Plan:

Download PDF

Learn more on the El Dorado County website:


We need your voice to save our rural county!

Tell the County you want a NO vote for Parker.

Please contact EL Dorado County officials regarding the proposed CHANGE of the General Plan for Parker’s Marble Valley & Lime Rock Valley developments that will allow 4000+ homes to be built on acreage currently zoned rural and approved for only 454 homes.



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Rural Matters Alliance

Rural Matters Alliance is a mobilization of many community groups dedicated to preserving the rural character of El Dorado County. We need your help to STOP Parker's plan to ruin our area's landscape for their profit and our loss...

Preservation of Rural Heritage

Our shared community advocacy efforts focus on voicing concerns and advocating for policies that safeguard the interests of El Dorado County's rural residents. We are also dedicated to preserving the rich heritage, traditions and wildlife of our rural area, ensuring that future generations can continue to enjoy its unique character and charm.


PO Box 4641 Post St.
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762


© 2024-25 by Rural Matters Alliance.

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