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What is Parker's Plan? The Village of Marble Valley & Lime Rock Valley

Rural Matters Alliance

Updated: 7 days ago

Located South of Hwy 50 from Bass Lake Rd to Cameron Park Rd.

Parker, the developer, wants to build another Serrano in a buffer zone between El Dorado Hills and Cameron Park.

The Village of Marble Valley Special Plan & Lime Rock Valley Specific Plan (MV/LRV) are two separate, expired development plans, submitted AGAIN in 2024 for review as a "set" of plans (which is unprecedented). The plans ask El Dorado County to amend its General Plan and rezone the rural area to allow them to build over 4,000 homes (originally approved for only 454 homes). Because the land is zoned rural in the General Plan, the county has not built the critical infrastructure necessary to support that many people or homes. Therefore, these plans put the huge financial burden to pay for infrastructure (roads, water, sewage, emergency services, parks, schools, etc.) on the public - But your county leadership can vote NO to reject these plans!

Map showing proposed plans approximate size and location.
Located south of Hwy 50 between Bass Lake Rd and Cambridge Rd. Click to zoom.


The first time these plans got approval was in 2008, for 398 homes on the 2,342 Marble Valley acres and for 56 homes on the 740 Lime Rock Valley acres.

In 2013, Parker requested a General Plan change for rezoning to allow a total of 4,036 homes. Local residents spoke out and stopped Parker! Because of the outcry of public opposition to the traffic gridlock and lack of water, Parker had to put the development on hold.

Fast forward to 2024: Parker hopes enough people have moved on and forgotten the fight. With inadequate and outdated reports, Parker resubmitted the MV and LRV plans once again. Parker has an entire team meeting with the five Board of Supervisors, the Planning Commissioners and the local Community Service Districts (CSDs) about the "benefits" of the plan. The County's own financial analysts warns against the Traffic and Financial Impact of Parker's plans. It is clear to see the financial benefits for a developer - but at what cost to the local residents?

  • These plans downplay the effects of the off-site impacts such as horrible traffic at Hwy 50 at Bass Lake Rd, at Hwy 50 at Cameron Park Rd, water supply shortages, increased fire hazard risk, potential reduction in emergency services, capacity to provide services at local hospitals, health centers and schools, the constant noise pollution, the light pollution from their new stadium, and adverse environmental impacts on wildlife habitats, migratory corridors, the oak forests, and natural resources in the area.

These plans have NOT been approved!

  • These are 2 MASSIVE new subdivisions.

  • Parker resubmitted the 2 EXPIRED Specific Plans for review.

    • Original project from 2008 expired. In 2013, public outcry against the plan put it “on hold.” Then, in 2024, Parker re-submitted plans using old data from 2008.

      • 398 homes were approved in the original VMV plan, now Parker is asking approval for 3,236 homes.

      • 56 homes were approved in the original LRV plan, now Parker is asking approval for 800 homes.

    • Parker is proposing 9 TIMES the number of houses originally approved!


    • The plans violate current zoning - to be approved, the County is asked to give Entitlements to rezone and change the County’s General Plan

    • These are 2 of the largest Entitlement requests in the county

    • Parker is asking the County to rezone the Designated Land Use in the entire area from rural agriculture and grazing (10-40 acre parcels), to be replaced by suburbs

    • Parker wants to amend the General Plan that requires 10-acre lots and change it to instead allow thousands of high-density parcels right next to older homes with 10-acres lots.

    • It is zoned pasture lands for grazing, which requires 10-acre lots and buffer zones for no adjacency: No 10-acre lots next to high-density or zero-lot-line parcels.


    • Learn more about the Negative Impacts of Parker's plans.


    • Your County representatives must evaluate the project plans:

      • Because the land is zoned rural in the General Plan, the County has not built the critical infrastructure necessary to support the number of people or homes in Parker's Plan. Therefore, these plans put the huge financial burden to pay for infrastructure (roads, water, sewage, emergency services, parks, schools, etc.) on the public.

    • The Board of Supervisors has the opportunity to:

      • 1) Reject the plans.

        • This is an important distinction as the County is NOT required to approve the plans - Supervisors hold their office to limit sprawl and retain the rural character of the County.

      • 2) Require that the project plans be modified to reduce impacts.

      • 3) Approve an alternate plan that is consistent with the county General Plan.

    • The VMV & LRV plans were defeated in 2013. We will stop Parker again in 2025.


Financial practices and developer influence brought to light.

Who benefits from changing the County's General Plan?


We need your voice to save our rural county!

Tell the County you want a NO vote for Parker.

Please contact EL Dorado County officials regarding the proposed CHANGE of the General Plan for Parker’s Marble Valley & Lime Rock Valley developments that will allow 4000+ homes to be built on acreage currently zoned rural and approved for only 454 homes.



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Rural Matters Alliance

Rural Matters Alliance is a mobilization of many community groups dedicated to preserving the rural character of El Dorado County. We need your help to STOP Parker's plan to ruin our area's landscape for their profit and our loss...

Preservation of Rural Heritage

Our shared community advocacy efforts focus on voicing concerns and advocating for policies that safeguard the interests of El Dorado County's rural residents. We are also dedicated to preserving the rich heritage, traditions and wildlife of our rural area, ensuring that future generations can continue to enjoy its unique character and charm.


PO Box 4641 Post St.
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762


© 2024-25 by Rural Matters Alliance.

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